Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding products sensors GarLine PLC

Your automated welding made even easier with GarLine PLC— the ultimate seam tracking welding sensor designed to be unique.

Check out the only sensor for multiple welding systems, which makes the hard automation easier.

Smart and flexible welding

Given sensor’s robust design and technically advanced electronics, welding process is made easier, faster and better. Sensor can successfully perform in harsh environmental conditions, ensuring live tracking.

Welding with GarLine PLC ensures a better weld quality than the traditional welding process, and even in automated welding. The final weld shows a noticeably distinguishing quality, thanks to the trajectory corrections sent to the welding torch.

Boundless welding options with PLC

Thanks to sensors's PLC library, seam type selection and seam customization, GarLine PLC can be easily integrated on different types of automated welding systems and diverse applications without any need for additional devices.

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding products sensors GarLine PLC hard automation weld system

Easy and adaptive welding

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding products sensors GarLine PLC 3 axis correction

GarLine PLC ensures direct connection to PLC, without any need for additional computer nor other devices, with a wide range of configuration options and correction in 3 axis.

End-detection tracking

The sensor detects the end of the seam and stops the welding.


Real-time look-ahead calculation of corrections to move the torch towards the seam.

Adaptive welding

The sensor guides the torch to make straight or waving welding depending on gap width.

And much more! Find out more GarLine PLC benefits, functions and succes cases on our YouTube Channel!

Multiple libraries available

The sensor includes customizable welding setup, with multiple mode configurations available (e.g., fixing sensor to axes, turn axes on/off).

Communication libraries easily adaptable to welding system’s interface code.

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding products sensors GarLine PLC connection diagram

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How can we help you?

Got a welding application and want to improve it? Get in touch with us, tell us about your welding application and our technical team will assist you with the solution that suits you the best!
