Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding company about us

Garmo Instruments company

At the leading edge of Innovation in Automated and Robotic Welding

At Garmo Instruments we are experts in development and manufacturing of laser sensors for welding seam tracking. Our sensors are robust, intelligent, efficient, and easy to implement and use, making it easy to improve productivity in welding applications.

Our dedicated team of experts works with a purpose that we truly are proud of: To provide high quality solutions for an increasingly demanding industry, helping to make a genuine difference and providing exceptional value to our customers.

At Garmo Instruments we know and understand your needs in terms of production optimization. Our GarLine seam tracking laser sensors are designed to improve welding operator safety, optimize production and ensure a consistent quality on every job. Imagine more accurate and efficient welding, with less errors and lower risk to your equipment - find out how we can transform your welding process with a customized approach geared to your needs! 

Discover with Garmo Instruments how to take your welding processes to the next level! 

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding innovative company

Мы – эксперты

We value the know-how and the quality. We focus on offering the most advanced, efficient and user-friendly technology for Industry 4.0.

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding challengers company

Мы – новаторы

Through our non-conformist approach, we want to offer you the best means to achieve real and efficient solutions in your welding process.

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding expert company

We're efficient

We offer innovative laser seam tracking sensors, designed in collaboration with experienced welders. The end user is always present in our developments.

Technology by experts

At Garmo Instruments, we are passionate about welding excellence.

As manufacturers, we understand the needs and challenges you face in today's industry, where factors such as cost efficiency and quality of the final product are no longer a strategic decision; they are rather part of the market's minimum requirements.

Realizing this, we aim to bring you exceptional value through our products. We ensure that the performance and operability of our sensors meet all quality and safety demands and requirements.

Are you ready to raise your welding standard?

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding production Spain

Stronger together

We have the business experience and the support of our partner Metromecánica, an industrial metrology company, with more than 20 years of experience in quality control and metrology industry.


Наша команда

к вашим услугам

Garmo Instruments GarLine company Pablo del Villar director

Pablo del Villar

Garmo Instruments GarLine company Daria Amoedo Operations Marketing

Daria Amoedo

Operations Department
Garmo Instruments GarLine company Joe Qiao China Manager

Roberto Ciruelos

Sales Manager



Improve working conditions by protecting people from the most hostile environments and health-related risks. This is achieved by offering technically advanced, easy-to-install, robust and cost-effective seam tracking sensors, which prevent workers from performing so close to the weld.


Being a benchmark company, placing vision seam tracking laser sensors where it is currently impossible, due to the harshness of the environment or profitability. We gaze upon the future, as our landmark to improve the present, specially in the industrial welding sector



Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding values research and development

Our development team is focused on designing the sensors of the future, capable of satisfying the broad needs of the industry.


Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding values production

Garmo Instruments has optimized the facilities for sensor production; thus offering the highest product quality. Always looking for traceability and optimization of our processes.


Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding values corporate social responsibility

As part of the ecosystem and society, we care about all the involved factors: employees, suppliers, partners, customers, etc. That is why we believe in corporate social responsibility and make sure to comply with it.

Garmo Instruments GarLine RSA certificate stamp


Сертификат Социальной Ответственности Арагона. Garmo Instruments верит в то, что мы являемся составляющей частью общества. Как составляющая часть социума, мы разделяем общие чаяния и стараемся делать всё возможное, что от нас зависит.

Garmo Instruments GarLine European Union industry

European aid programs for industry and innovation

Программа помощи промышленности и МСП в Арагоне (PAIP)

Компания Garmo Instruments получила гранты на промышленные исследования и экспериментальные разработки:

PAIP 2021                                REACT 2022

Чем мы можем Вам помочь?

Need more information about our welding solutions? Want to automate your welding process or upgrade your application? Get in touch!
