Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding applications

A Sense of Vision

Count on our laser seam tracking welding sensors if you want to upgrade your automated welding process, increase quality of your welded products, improve welding efficiency and decrease any costs, risks or unnecesary waste.

Доверьтесь GarLine для развития вашего бизнеса, повышения его прибыльности и устойчивости.

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding construction application


Строительная и землеройная техника

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Aerospace industry and boat production

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Энергетический сектор

Атомная, солнечная и ветряная промышленность

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding pipes and tubes application


Производство труб и их комплектующих

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding industrial sector application
Промышленный сектор

Технические сооружения и промышленные здания

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding transport application

Автомобильная, авиационная, железнодорожная и судостроительная промышленность

Garmo Instruments GarLine seam tracking laser sensor automated robotic welding URCap certified Universal Robots cobots UR+

Vision programming

Thanks to GarLine's Vision Programming function in cobot welding, workers are performing in  a safer environment, avoiding the traditional  health-related risks for, thanks to cobot and  GarLine combined welding, there is no longer a  need in working so close to the weld. The positioning of the torch during programming  is calculated by the sensor, reducing in this  way process time and operators’ required skills  for task performance.
This is a distinguishing  feature among seam tracking laser sensors,  since GarLine C is the only sensor featuring this  patented option.

Discover how GarLine laser seam tracking sensors and SHARPtrack system solutions can help you

Thinking of automating or got an application you'd like to improve?

Tell us about your application, and our engineers and sales team will assist you